It seems today that the common culture is defined by a sense of These Times; these unstable, plunging, depressing, shocking, bursting times. Every where you turn there is a commercial about working together through the current economic hardship. Corporate America is letting us know they hear us, they feel us, they are just like us.
I live in Southern California, where These Times are not only evident, but prevalent. There are stories every where of people being unemployed for months on end, no health insurance, and a massive mortgage breathing down their necks every month. The main stream media has latched onto the metaphor of swimming: above water, under water, sinking, treading, on and on.
My husband and I have made a valiant effort in the last couple of years to reduce our debt and get to a comfortable place, an umbrella under which we could stay out of the rain. And, for the most part it has worked. Throughout These Times, we have made amazing progress towards all of our finanial goals, we have a budget, we work together, we conserve. It has paid off.
Now, I have lost my job. Just typing that makes my heart do a little twirl. In These Times, I have lost my job.
Today, I sit in my house, the home I love, with my devoted husband, adorible dog, and a family that is always on my side, and I take a long, deep breath. Since 1999, I have realized that I am one of the strongest beings on this earth, we all are, when we need to be. Since 1999, I have learned to value myself, respect my body, and cherish my mind. I have learned to accept some flaws, and work to change others. All of the things I have learned since 1999, have given me the confidence to know that all I need to do to survive These Times is remain calm and breath. Today, I have so much more than I did then. Today, I know so much more than I did then. Today, I love so much more than I did then. How beatiful a notion.
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